Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Sequester

The sequester will begin on Friday March 1, 2013 and some and somehow I am supposed to be concerned with an immediate government spending cut of $85 billion.  We are currently running deficits annually of over $1 trillion and this is supposed to grab my attention.  I am tired of the current state of politics in this country.  I have no faith in the current government and even less faith that my representatives will do the right thing to get the country back on track.  I have been a lifelong conservative and for better or worse, especially lately, I have been identified by my peers as a Republican.  It is obvious that the Republican Party sold out to big business starting in 2008 and has no intention of working to my best interest unless I am a lobbyist.  The Democrats continue to try and buy their votes with generous welfare benefits that continue to hamper the economy and make it difficult for small business, the country’s true life blood, to function properly.  The simple fact is that eventually taxes are going to have to increase and social programs are going to have to be cut, even a fifth grader can figure out basic math.  The Republicans are going to have to accept defense cuts and tax increase.  The democrats are going to have to accept Social Security and unemployment cuts.  On a side note, 2 years of unemployment benefits is counterproductive for employers and workers, there needs to be an incentive to get into the work force.  These are all just basic starting points and I am sure none of them will be addressed in the next week.

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